Anesthetists What to Expect

Anaesthetic Form

You will be required to fill in an anaesthetic form on admission to the hospital.
This form provides the anaesthetist with vital information allowing him/her to tailor an individualised anaesthetic plan for your safe procedure.

NIL Per OS Period

You are required to be Nil Per Mouth from 22h00 the evening before your procedure.
This is for your own safety.
Should your procedure be scheduled for late in the day, the anaesthetist will make the necessary arrangements to keep you hydrated and your sugar levels normal during the pre-operative visit.
Should you have to take chronic medication, please contact Dr Gordhan’s rooms to find out if you should still take it on the morning of your procedure.

Pre-Operative Visit

Before your procedure, you will be visited by your anaesthetist.
This will be in the ward if you are booked for an elective procedure or in the preoperative area if you require an emergency procedure.
During this visit, you will be examined and a few things relevant to your procedure will be discussed.
Feel free to discuss any concerns you have about the aesthetic, procedure or account with your anaesthetist at this time.

This document must be signed by the guarantor and returned to your anaesthesiologist on the day of surgery.


Please note that your anaesthetist fee is separate from your hospital and surgeon’s account. Depending on your choice of Medical aid, your healthcare funder might not cover the full amount.

It remains the patient responsibility to confirm your benefits that apply to your procedure and any exclusion(s).

Dr Gordhan should be able to give you the name of the anaesthetist allocated to your procedure.

You are welcome to contact the relevant accounts department for a quote or any other account related queries.